Do's and Dont;s
- Submit high-quality, original research papers that have not been published elsewhere.
- Verify the authenticity of your paper and ensure it complies with plagiarism standards.
- Carefully read and adhere to the conference guidelines and regulations.
- Submit your paper in the required format, typically .doc or .pdf.
- Submit your paper well in advance of the deadline to avoid rejection.
- Complete your conference registration and payment before the deadline.
- Contact the conference organizers with any questions or concerns.
- Be aware of any changes or updates to the conference schedule, agenda, and speaker list.
- Arrive on time and be fully prepared for your presentation.
- Book travel or accommodation without official confirmation of paper acceptance and the conference schedule.
- Include any inappropriate, offensive, or controversial content in your paper or presentation.
- Submit plagiarized or previously published work.
- Disregard the conference guidelines and regulations.
- Submit your paper after the deadline or without proper registration.
- Neglect updates and announcements made on the conference website.
- Fail to contact the conference organizers with any questions or concerns.
- Arrive late or be unprepared for your presentation.