Presentation Guidelines

The conference has three options for presenting:

  • For the oral presentation, the presentation time is limited to 15 minutes and must include a 5-minute discussion and Q&A session. The presenter is required to deliver the presentation through a personal laptop or a device provided in the event hall and can use Windows OS and MS PowerPoint. The event volunteers will be available to assist the presenter.
  • For the poster presentation, the poster size should be 36 inches wide and 48 inches high, and the presenter must bring the printout. The poster should be set up well before the opening ceremony and removed after the presentation. One of the presenters must be available for discussion with the attendees and all posters should be displayed in the main event hall.
  • For virtual presentation, the presentation time is also limited to 15 minutes, including a 5-minute discussion and Q&A session. The event organizers will share a Zoom meeting link with the virtual presenter before the presentation, and the presenter is required to test their video and audio devices with the Zoom test platform The virtual presenter is also required to login to the Zoom platform at least 30 minutes before their session.



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